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The absence of a testicle after surgery, or its congenital developmental defects is a common cause of not only physical discomfort in men, but also many complexes and psychological problems, including those affecting sexual and social health. Surgery to place an implant is called a testicular prosthesis. This is a fairly simple and quick operation that does not require a long recovery period and has a pronounced cosmetic effect.
The main goal of prosthetics of one or both testicles is to achieve a satisfactory cosmetic effect against the background of orchiectomy, volvulus or congenital abnormalities of this organ. After surgical removal of the testicle, as in congenital conditions such as mono-, anorchia and cryptorchidism, asymmetry occurs, which can negatively affect the physical comfort and psychological health of a man.
Surgical plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis is called frenulotomy. This is a quick, minimally invasive surgery that lengthens the frenum. Men with a short frenum often experience discomfort during erection, and this condition in many cases can lead to deformity of the penis. This intervention is performed under local anesthesia and takes no more than 15 minutes. With frenulotomy, an incision of the frenum is performed with further longitudinal stitching of the edges.
Phimosis and a shortened frenulum of the penis are two unpleasant and even dangerous conditions that many men can face. Despite the fact that both conditions are quite simple to diagnose, patients usually come to the urologist either in severe stages of the course of the disease, or with extremely severe pain. Meanwhile, surgical treatment of both phimosis and short frenum of the penis is a rather long and safe procedure, after which the quality of life of patients is significantly improved.
Modern hardware cosmetology in terms of its effectiveness is on a par with surgical methods of face lifting. SMAS lifting is considered the most advanced non-invasive procedure, which shows results typical of surgical methods of lifting. The essence of this procedure is to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the SMAS layer of the skin. The SMAS layer can be thought of as the connective tissue framework of the skin, consisting of intertwining collagen and elastin fibers.
A woman is made for beauty. And innovations in aesthetic cosmetology and medicine make it possible for the fair sex to preserve youth and charm for as long as possible. One of the most popular and effective methods is “beauty injections”. It is a general term for injection techniques that are targeted at rejuvenating the skin. However, the more these miraculous procedures become popular, the more speculation and myths are overgrown.
A high forehead has always been considered a hallmark of aristocrats and a sign of significant mental ability. However, to some of the fair sex, such a feature of appearance seems ugly, rough and violates the proportional harmony of the face. In this case, little tricks come to the rescue, such as a suitable haircut or makeup, to smooth out the flaw.
Luscious, plump lips are a modern beauty trend. However, there are always people, more often, the fair sex, who want not to enlarge, but, on the contrary, to reduce their lips. This desire can be caused by a naturally disproportionately large mouth, which causes psychological discomfort. And also, unsuccessful contour plastics, which changed the girl's lips not for the better.
Swelling, bags, dark circles under the eyes are associated in most people with overwork and lack of sleep. They add age, give a haggard and tortured look to the face. However, these signs can signal more serious diseases. Regardless of the cause of the occurrence, many women dream of removing them, if not forever, then for a long time. To do this, you can use makeup, competent care, beauty injections, and best of all - to establish a daily routine and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Any representative of the fair sex strives to preserve her youth and beauty as long as possible. It is the arms, as well as the neck, that are the true markers of a woman's aging. However, competent care, in addition to minimally invasive methods of injection therapy, such as plasma lifting or biorevitalization, helps to slow down changes due to age. Age-related changes in the skin on the hands Time spares no one. Who, if not women, knows this fact better than anyone.