Ukraine, 36011, Poltava, prospekt Pervomayskiy 9 +38 (0532) 56-02-11+38 (095) 688 25 07

Removal of genital warts

Removal of genital warts in Poltava, Kiev and Kharkov - photo 1 Papillomas, condylomas, nevi, warts - one way or another are present in the life of any person. In addition to aesthetic and physical discomfort, neoplasms always have a risk of malignant transformation. That is why disturbing moles, warts, condylomas and other defects are best removed immediately by various surgical methods at affordable prices.

Warts - what is it?

Condylomas are warty formations in the anogenital zone (perineum, genitals, anus) protruding above the surface of the mucous membranes. They look like pink or brown nodules. The tactile sensations are soft and moist.

Experts in the field of gynecology say that genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease and have a viral nature. Its causative agent is the human papillomavirus or HPV, which has more than 150 types.

Causes of appearance, varieties, symptoms

Condylomas begin to develop when the HPV virus, which has entered the body, mainly through sexual contact, is activated due to a decrease in immune forces (hypothermia, stress, illness). And this is the main reason for the pathology. Young people and adolescents who are sexually promiscuous are most susceptible to infections.

First, separate growths appear, which become more and more. They can grow, filling all the free space on the mucous membranes of the genitals.

There are types of formations, according to their appearance:

  • broad, which may indicate a serious illness such as HIV;
  • flat ones occur with exacerbation of chronic HPV;
  • spiky.

In addition to the fact that condylomas can be seen on the surface of the genitals, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms, according to patients' reviews:

  • feeling of a foreign body inside;
  • irritation and itching of the genitals;
  • high humidity in the delicate area where the formations are located.

Against the background of a decrease in immunity, other sexually transmitted infections are often attached to warts, which makes treatment even more difficult.

Diagnosis and treatment of genital warts

  • Preliminary consultation of the surgeon.
  • Twelve days before the operation it is necessary to undergo a laboratory examination. List of analyzes
  • surgical intervention
  • 7 days

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a personal examination by a doctor, a specialist in the field of gynecology. In the presence of genital warts, the doctor will recommend taking an analysis to determine the type of papillomavirus. Since the treatment of HPV involves both conservative and drug therapy (antiviral drugs, immunomodulators).

Condylomas are removed by different methods: surgical excision, cryodestruction, laser, electric knife. The latter is considered one of the effective, safe and painless methods for removing genital warts, which has gained popularity not only in Ukraine, but throughout the world. As evidenced by the reviews of grateful patients.

To remove a lipoma, the Clinic also uses electrocautery or a conventional surgical scalpel.

Operation time
1.5 hours
Type of anesthesia
Hospital or ambulatory
7 days

Indications and contraindications for the removal procedure

Removal of genital warts in Poltava, Kiev and Kharkov - photo 2 Indications for removal are found single or multiple formations - flat, wide or pointed.

The procedure is better not carried out with:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • different types of cancer;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • acute infections;
  • an existing pacemaker

At an in-person consultation with the Clinic's doctor, you can find out the cost of the procedure, how long it will take, what method will be carried out, and also make an appointment for the operation for patients from Kiev, Kharkov, etc.

Procedure course, rehabilitation, possible complications

Removal of genital warts in Poltava, Kiev and Kharkov - photo 3 The procedure does not require preparation, except for a consultation with a doctor, who will eliminate risks and contraindications. As a rule, condylomas are removed quickly - in 20-30 minutes on an outpatient basis. After treating the site with an antiseptic, and also, in large areas, with local anesthesia, the doctor coagulates the formation with an electric knife, which immediately seals the wound, preventing bleeding. After the most painless procedure, the patient can go home.

Complications usually do not occur. Except for the presence of secretions from the genitals, which is a variant of the norm.

For just a couple of days - a week of the recovery period, you need to refrain from physical activity, visiting saunas, baths, swimming pools. And also, for better healing, it is advisable to adhere to sexual abstinence.

How much does it cost to remove genital warts at the Clinic?

The total cost of manipulation to get rid of genital warts is indicated on the website of the Clinic of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, Poltava. However, the price is often formed individually for each patient and depends on the number of formations, concomitant pathologies and characteristics of the organism. You can ask a question - how much does this or another service cost, for example, labioplasty, which makes it possible to make the female intimate area more attractive, by phone. Plus, make an appointment with a specialist.

The team of the Clinic of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery is always happy to help patients not only from Poltava, but also from Kharkov, Kiev and other places in Ukraine. We guarantee effective techniques, modern equipment and a high level of professionalism for your youth and beauty!

Prices for removal of genital warts

Surgical excision of benign diseases that are localized atypically (lipomas, atheromas, hemangiomas, hygromas, nevi)
The first category of complexity
1 000 UAH
The second category of complexity
1 200 UAH
The third category of complexity
1 400 UAH

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