Ukraine, 36011, Poltava, prospekt Pervomayskiy 9 +38 (0532) 56-02-11+38 (095) 688 25 07

Nasal endoplasty

The nose is the central part of the face and its shape directly affects the harmonious appearance of a person. Thanks to modern plastic surgery, you can quickly eliminate any of its defects, reduce the size and restore proportions. Such operations are safe and fast, rhinoplasty is now one of the most popular procedures. Nose contouring is also very popular.

Varieties of rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty refers to an aesthetic correction that does not have a strict age qualification and is affordable. According to the observations of the specialists of the Clinic of Plastic Cosmetic Surgery in Kiev and Poltava, the age of patients wishing to receive this service is 16-75 years old. Elderly women often seek correction of nasolabial folds.

Plastic surgeons, depending on the complexity of the upcoming nose correction, can offer two options for rhinoplasty:

  1. Open nose plasty, allowing doctors access to the columela area (a skin fold that separates the nostrils). With this intervention, the surgeon can carefully separate even the smallest nasal areas. Open rhinoplasty is performed when complex operations are required, after which an invisible scar remains.
  2. Closed rhinoplasty is a surgery that is performed inside the nostrils. During the procedure, the doctor uses specialized instruments, with the help of which he gently separates the skin from the cartilaginous and bone tissue. In most cases, preference is given to this particular technique, which assumes a minimum of the recovery period and leaves no traces.

Which option to correct the shape of the nose to use is decided at the first consultation after examining the patient. The main factor influencing the choice of technique is the degree of nose deformity. To enhance the effect for some patients, we recommend carrying out the procedure for removing Bish's lumps.

Indications for surgery

Most often, women turn to us for aesthetic, corrective rhinoplasty, wanting to remove the hump, reduce the size of the nose, and men want to restore its functionality after a fracture. Another reason for surgery is a medical condition (for example, a deviation of the septum, which provokes breathing difficulties and headaches).

The general indications of the operation are:

  • disproportion of the nose in relation to facial features;
  • curvature (congenital or acquired after a fracture) of the nasal septum;
  • deformation of the osteochondral parts of the nose;
  • pronounced asymmetry, large hump.

Patients (both women and men) come to our clinic with a request to improve previously unsuccessful operations. Nasal surgery helps to restore the lost functions of this organ and improve its aesthetic appearance.

Contraindications to rhinoplasty

Contraindications to such a procedure are identical to the prohibitions on standard plastic surgery. These include cardiovascular pathologies, severe stages of diabetes mellitus, the presence of infectious diseases and problems with blood clotting. We also do not recommend performing rhinoplasty in young patients (up to 18-20 years old) due to the not yet fully formed cartilage tissue.

  • Preliminary consultation of the surgeon.
  • Twelve days before the operation it is necessary to undergo a laboratory examination. List of analyzes
  • markup
  • abruption tissue
  • operation
  • plaster bandage for 7 days
  • A term of early rehabilitation is 1 month, about a complete rehabilitation it is possible to talk after 3-6 months after an operation

Preparation for surgery and its stages

At the first contact, the client consults with a doctor who listens to complaints, conducts an examination and, based on its results, makes a decision on the need for an operation, announcing the price of nose correction.

Before the procedure for correcting the nose, the patient will have to pass a number of tests and undergo several examinations:

  • blood tests (clinical, biochemistry, electrolyte, glucose levels), coagulogram, tests for RW, HBS, HIV and HCV;
  • PCR test for the detection of coronavirus;
  • urine analysis (general);
  • electrocardiogram;
  • X-ray CT) of the chest;
  • Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the legs (or ultrasound of the veins);
  • CT scan of the paranasal sinuses.

In case of identified deviations from the standards of the norm, the patient undergoes additional consultation with specialists such as a phlebologist, cardiologist and ENT. Many of our patients have a question about anesthesia. Rhinoplasty can be performed under several types of pain relief: local anesthesia, intravenous and endotracheal methods. What type of anesthesia is right for you is determined by the attending physician.

The procedure itself consists of several stages:

  • Preparation, which consists of consulting a specialist and passing examinations and tests. At this stage, the patient will find out how much the operation costs.
  • The operation, the time of the procedure depends on the complexity and volume of the intervention, it usually takes several hours.

The most important and crucial stage in the operation is the rehabilitation period. It is on how clearly the doctor's instructions will be followed and the complexity of rehabilitation and its timing will depend.

Operation time
1-1,5 hour's
Type of anesthesia
general anesthesia
Hospital or ambulatory
it is necessary to stay in hospital for at least one day after surgery
A term of early rehabilitation is 1 month, about a complete rehabilitation it is possible to talk after 3-6 months after an operation

Rehabilitation period

The recovery process of a patient after rhinoplasty is conventionally divided into several stages. The period of early rehabilitation is about 30 days, it is possible to speak about the complete recovery of a person only after 3-6 months from the date of the operation.

Let's consider each period in more detail:

  1. The first week is initial rehabilitation during which the swelling from the nose disappears. All patients after rhinoplasty face swelling, while the appearance of large hematomas is quite rare. The first 7 days are the most difficult and painful period. After being discharged from the clinic, the patient is obliged to treat the stitches with antiseptics on a daily basis and take medications prescribed by the doctor. The nasal cavity itself is flushed with saline to stop crusting and remove mucus.
  2. 7-12 days, at this time the plaster cast is removed, the stitches and additional silicone splints are removed. Now the patient can understand what the new nose will be like, but it must be borne in mind that this is not yet the final result. During this period, there is a significant improvement in the general condition, swelling can persist on the tip of the nose and its slopes.
  3. 3-4 weeks, the shape of the operated nose improves noticeably, and most people have all the visible signs of nose reduction surgery. This period is one of the most important in the recovery. Patients need to carry out certain physiotherapy measures.
  4. 3 months after the operation, the patient can already fully appreciate the shape of the corrected nose, but the scar tissue is still forming. This process will last up to a year.

The patient is allowed to lead a normal life (play sports, visit the pool, sauna, sunbathe, etc.) after 3 months from the date of plastic surgery on the nose. And six months later, permission is given to carry out various cosmetic measures in the nasal region. A year later, in some areas, small seals may still remain, they are visually invisible and gradually dissolve.

We also want to dwell in detail on some of the points that our patients often encounter after rhinoplasty:

Post-rhinoplasty nose odor

Many patients complain that immediately after rhinoplasty there is an unpleasant odor from the nose, usually accompanied by watery or mucous discharge. In most cases, this is a fairly common occurrence during recovery and should not cause panic. But when such symptoms appear, it is better to get additional advice from the attending doctor.

Cold after rhinoplasty

The main symptom of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections is nasal congestion due to the abundant secretion of mucus and internal edema of soft tissues. If you have a cold after your recent nose rhinoplasty, take precautions. In case of illness, it is necessary to gently rinse the sinuses with saline and take antihistamine drugs (to relieve puffiness). Be sure to humidify and cool the air in the living area well.

In order not to get serious complications after rhinoplasty in the form of rupture of stitches and subsequent deformation of the nose, it is categorically impossible:

  • blow your nose strongly;
  • squeeze the nostrils;
  • pinch the nasal tip;
  • sneeze with a closed mouth.

Any contact with the operated nose for a cold should be very soft and light. Of course, it is necessary to receive individual recommendations from a doctor and strictly follow them.

General Precautions After Nose Correction

Immediately after the operation, the surgeon will explain in detail to each patient how to behave and what to do during the recovery period.

In addition to individual recommendations, there are several general ones that should be followed by all operated patients without exception:

  • hair is allowed to be washed only after 3-4 days (there is a risk of bleeding) after nose surgery;
  • the first days after the nose correction, avoid physical activity, light exercises can be carried out after 3-4 weeks, but heavy physical labor is allowed to be engaged no earlier than after 5-6 weeks;
  • you can include in your life the usual activities in gyms in 1-1.5 months;
  • blowing your nose is allowed only after a month, until this moment rinse your nose with warm saline (or saline);
  • brush your teeth very carefully;
  • try to speak less so as not to strain the muscles of the face; it is also better to refrain from laughing in the first days after the nose plasty;
  • you will have to give up wearing glasses and switch to lenses within 2-3 weeks after nose surgery.

In most cases, according to patients' reviews, the recovery period after nose correction goes smoothly and without complications. Within 1-2 hours after rhinoplasty of the nose, the patient can eat on his own, carry out the necessary hygiene procedures. Turundas that interfere with breathing are not used by us, since they worsen the general condition of the patient and make the rehabilitation process difficult.

What complications can there be?

After rhinoplasty, severe swelling may appear in the correction area, which is accompanied by congestion of the sinuses. Sometimes hematomas and large bruises appear, but they usually go away 10-12 days after the operation.

How much does nose surgery cost?

Our Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic offers excellent customer service. We work with an individual approach to everyone, our experienced doctors with specialized professional training guarantee a favorable outcome of operations. The peculiarities of our clinic include affordable prices, which makes it one of the leading and popular in Ukraine, where residents of not only Poltava and Kiev, but also other cities want to get an appointment.

You can find out the cost of rhinoplasty at the first consultation, where the doctor will assess the complexity of the work and develop the most gentle way for you to perform rhinoplasty. An appointment is made on the company's website or when you contact our center by phone. On the portal, you can also read the reviews of patients after nose surgery.

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Reviews of our patients about the service of nose plasty


Nov. 26, 2021, 4:49 p.m.

I am very grateful to Ilya Yurievich! The result is super! A doctor from God, and a very good man! Also many thanks to the staff, friendly and caring!


Oct. 14, 2021, 6:55 p.m.

Dear Ilya Yurievich!!!! I want to express my huge gratitude to you for my new nose and all the operations that I have done with you !!!! To say that I am happy is to say nothing !!! I am just happy with the result of your work !!!! Thank you for your golden hands !!!!!! I recommend it for all 1000%!!!!!!


April 28, 2021, 7:06 p.m.

I did rhinoplasty. Local anesthesia. It was scary. BUT!!!!! The result is super !!!!! The plaster cast was removed today. Just a delight !!! Surgeon Slyusarev Ilya Yurievich is an excellent doctor, and a wonderful person, thank you very much !!!! Lesya Fedorovna, thank you for your understanding! Nurse girls thanks for the care! The clinic is great! Professionals and very good people work !!!!


March 16, 2020, 11:17 a.m.

Hello! I am sending a photo after the operation. I understand that the result is not yet final and the nose will change shape over time. The left nostril is a little lowered and I am interested in the presence of a small hump. Will she stay? I am very grateful to all the staff and many thanks to Ilya Yurievich for fulfilling my dream. I really like the nose and makes me happy.

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