Ukraine, 36011, Poltava, prospekt Pervomayskiy 9 +38 (0532) 56-02-11+38 (095) 688 25 07

Lift of the lower 2/3 of the face - SMAS lifting

Lift of the lower 2/3 of the face - SMAS lifting in Poltava, Kiev and Kharkov - photo 1 Every person, regardless of gender and age, strives to be beautiful and young. However, over time, the skin and soft tissues of the face lose their turgor and sag. Wrinkles, folds, “flews”, fat accumulations and other unaesthetic age-related changes appear. Plastic surgery aimed at a facelift will help get rid of these defects and remove 10-15 years. SMAS-lifting, endoscopic facelift, check-lifting - these and other procedures will provide a pronounced anti-age effect at an affordable cost.

SMAS lifting - features

Smas lifting is a plastic surgery that corrects age-related changes on the face. Which involves lifting not only the surface of the skin, but also the deep structures of the face and subcutaneous adipose tissue. That is, the level of SMAS, which in translation from English means - superficial muscular-aponeurotic system.

Smas is the framework for all other fabrics, providing clear facial contours. With age, it weakens, and the face, accordingly, floats. Therefore, it is the SMAS lift that guarantees a long and lasting result.

There are 2 methods of smas-tightening:

  1. Classical. When above the ear, along the hair, an incision is made. It extends along the front edge of the ear and around the lobe. Or an incision is made in the chin crease to correct the cervico-chin angle. Thus, it is possible to stratify muscle structures and fix them in the desired form.
  2. Endoscopic. It involves the use of endoscopic equipment under the monitoring of a light-optical system. To get to the level of smas, small punctures are made in the skin (up to 1 cm). The affected area is visible on the monitor, which increases accuracy and reduces trauma. Usually up to 3 punctures are made in the hair area, as in endoscopic forehead surgery or behind the ears.

Face lifting is best done for those patients whose skin on the face and neck has already begun to sag, but is still quite elastic. This is about 35-55 years old. However, these frames are conditional.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

When is ⅔ lifting recommended:

  • the formation of "wings" in the cheek area, their ptosis;
  • fatty deposits in the lower face area - double chin;
  • deep nasolabial folds, wrinkles;
  • laxity and ptosis of the neck;
  • swelling of the contours of the face.

Lift of the lower 2/3 of the face - SMAS lifting in Poltava, Kiev and Kharkov - photo 2 When is it better to postpone or not carry out the operation:

  • phase of pregnancy and lactation;
  • infections in the acute phase;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • allergies;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • high blood pressure;
  • mental disorders.

Only after a preliminary consultation and examination of a patient from Poltava, Kiev, Kharkov and other cities of Ukraine, the surgeon decides on the appointment for the operation, the amount of intervention, the type of anesthesia and the technique. How much the procedure costs is also discussed with the doctor. Since the order of prices depends on the personal characteristics of the patient, his wishes and the required interventions.

Preparatory measures and the course of the operation

  • Preliminary consultation of the surgeon.
  • Twelve days before the operation it is necessary to undergo a laboratory examination. List of analyzes
  • volumetric surgery
  • 3 weeks

Before a facelift, you need to undergo a complete medical examination and tests. Examinations by a therapist and anesthesiologist are also necessary, since plastic surgery requires general anesthesia. For a week you need to stop taking some medications, alcohol, smoking. On the day of the intervention, do not use any cosmetics.

Operation stages:

  1. The doctor makes preoperative markings.
  2. An incision is made in the integument in the required area.
  3. The skin is peeled off, tightened, the Smas-layer is moved, fixed in the desired position.
  4. Excision of excess skin folds.
  5. Internal and external seams.

The operation takes an average of 2-3 hours and is considered quite serious. Another day (two or three) after the manipulation, the patient is in the hospital to monitor his condition.

Operation time
3-4 hours
Type of anesthesia
local or general anesthesia
Hospital or ambulatory
hospital for at least 1 day
3 weeks

Complication risks and recovery

Rehabilitation - judging by the feedback from patients, it can last 1-2 months. To prevent it from dragging on, you need to adhere to the postoperative recommendations:

  • 3 weeks do not take aspirin, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol;
  • sleep only on your back;
  • wear a compression bandage for a week;
  • 2-3 months do not go to saunas, baths, swimming pools, do not be under the sun;
  • do not play sports, remove all loads;
  • less to touch the face.

Side effects of smas lifting:

  • pulling pain that goes away after a couple of days;
  • swelling and bruising (maximum - on the third day), disappearing after 2 weeks;
  • decreased sensitivity of skin areas - will gradually recover;
  • skin necrosis, hematomas, nerve damage, visible scars, infection are rare and are caused by doctor's mistakes.

The stitches are removed on days 5 and 10. The final result is assessed after 2-3 months, after complete rehabilitation.

Based on the reviews, the effect of endoscopic plastics lasts about 7 years, classical - 12-15. If you take care of your skin, do not change the weight dramatically, then the result can be prolonged.

How much does a 2/3 facelift cost?

On the website of the Clinic of Plastic Cosmetic Surgery, you can always find out the cost of a face-lift ⅔ face, check-lifting of the middle zone, as well as other rejuvenating effects for patients from Kiev, Kharkov and other settlements. Registration for procedures is made by calling the Clinic in Poltava, Ukraine. The specialists of the institution adhere to an individual approach to work, so prices may vary. It depends on many personal factors and the desired outcome.

Modern equipment, innovative techniques, certified doctors - guarantee a safe and effective change in appearance towards attractiveness, health and youth!

Prices for lift of the lower 2/3 of the face - SMAS lifting

Lifting of the face and neck soft tissues (facelifting)
Lifting of the temporal area and the middle third of the face
35 400 UAH
Neck lifting
27 800 UAH
Endoscopic lift middle of face
38 000 UAH
Lifting of the lower 2/3 of the face
42 000 UAH
Lifting of the temporal chin area
17 600 UAH
Combined facelift and elevation of the middle and lateral eyebrows
48 000 UAH
35 400 UAH
Euebrow lift
20 300 UAH
Vertical paint lifting
41 300 UAH
Endoscopic facelift
32 900 UAH
Endoscopic eyebrow lifting
25 300 UAH
Forehead lifting using the technique of D.Nais
30 400 UAH
Suture lifting of the face lower third using the technique of Gr. Muller method ( "Giampappa")
30 400 UAH
Medial platizmoplasty
11 300 UAH

Reviews of our patients about the service


Jan. 28, 2024, 4:46 a.m.

I used to think that people age gradually, imperceptibly by a little bit... My classmates, whom I meet once every 3 years, age less often, but I don't, I'm still nothing! But in fact it turned out not to be so. Stress, loss of status, inability to live with the whole family together, loss of business... and... didn't have to wait long... and now I no longer recognize myself in the mirror. Someone else was looking at me, an old woman with a downcast face and a dull look. I didn't want to look at myself, now I went to the mirror only out of necessity. The existing anxiety at that time and depression were joined by a feeling of deep dissatisfaction with his face. I have a small child, and I thought, how am I going to take him to kindergarten, he's going to be shy of me! When he's a schoolboy, his classmates will think that I'm his grandmother. And these thoughts pushed me to the decision that something should be done radically with this and the effect should be long-lasting. I looked at other people's experiences on the Internet and decided to do a 2/3 facelift and blepharoplasty of the eyelids. The question remained where to make it! There were no friends of mine who had a similar experience. I had to look for it myself without recommendations. At first, I looked at Turkish clinics, but when I touched on them in more detail, it turned out that I had information about the doctor from an intermediary selling his services. It didn't sound reliable. Then I looked at the Ukrainian clinics in Kiev and Poltava, I did not know about either of them. I decided to rely on reviews on the Internet in my choice. I stopped at a Clinic in Poltava. Having arrived there 3500 km away, I got to Nikita Ilyich. He turned out to be a very good surgeon, very kind, calm, professional. He told me all the options, inconveniences and difficulties that I would face in the rehabilitation process. The hospital had a very cozy homely atmosphere. The operation was scheduled for the morning, and the next day I left. A year has passed since then. I have never regretted this choice. Now, when I look at myself in the mirror, I recognize myself the way I should be, I like myself again. Nikita Ilyich is a wonderful doctor, I highly recommend him to everyone, do not be afraid of anything and start liking yourself again!

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