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Recovery after rhinoplasty - cans and cannots

Recovery after rhinoplasty - cans and cannots A successful result of rhinoplasty is only possible if the patient complies with the strict rules of the rehabilitation period. Discipline and exact adherence to the recommendations of a plastic surgeon will help to create the form of the nose that you dreamed about.

What does the process of recovery depend on?

We draw your attention to the fact that the regime for the postoperative period is determined individually - as well as the surgical procedure. Therefore, only the observing surgeon recommends the most effective methods of recovery after rhinoplasty.

The doctor's recommendations related to the postoperative period depend on the following:

  • type of rhinoplasty (open or closed surgery);
  • thickness of the nose skin;
  • the initial and final form of the nose;
  • the presence of trauma before rhinoplasty;
  • the age of the patient has an insignificant effect on the healing of tissues.

How does the rehabilitation period go?

Recovery after rhinoplasty - cans and cannots The whole period of rehabilitation is divided into several stages and each one is important. The patient will see the final form at the end of all stages.

Stages of recovery after rhinoplasty:

  1. The period that includes the first 7 days is the hardest period during which the patient experiences a lot of discomfort. The cotton turundas, which absorb blood and discharge, are located in the nose and it causes the patient to breathe through the mouth. Gypsum as well as swelling on the cheeks and near the eyes will not allow you to wash yourself and brush your teeth by means of the usual movements.
  2. The second week is the stage of the active process of tissue healing and the beginning of the formation of permanent cartilage having a new form. The swelling and bruises decrease noticeably.
  3. From day 15 to day 90 after rhinoplasty the external swelling disappears, and the shape of the nose becomes beautiful. The nostrils and the nose tip continue to recover actively.
  4. The first year after the operation is the period during which any defects disappear completely, and the seam becomes completely invisible.

The entire postoperative period is dangerous because of cartilage deformation due to patient's violations of the rules of care. It is worth to follow simple rules, so that the tissues would heal quickly and acquire the ideal shapes of the nose fast.

What is forbidden after rhinoplasty and for how long?

When can I start wearing glasses?

Recovery after rhinoplasty - cans and cannots Even the lightest frame can lead to deformation of the cartilage, so plastic surgeons recommend wearing glasses in 12 weeks after the operation on average. The riskiest period is the period of the first 4 weeks after rhinoplasty (only lenses are allowed).

At what point will it be safe to visit the solarium?

Ultraviolet sources heat the top layer of the skin. Because of this the swelling develops, which are slowing the healing of tissues. Therefore, sunbathing or going to the sauna is recommended in 3 months after rhinoplasty.

How soon can I continue to play sports?

Sports loads of the easy type will not harm after 4 weeks. It is recommended to start active sports with breathing stress gradually - in 3-4 months, and ball games (football, basketball, volleyball) - after 6-8 months.

In what time can I sleep on my belly / side after rhinoplasty?

It is necessary to sleep on the back because of the gypsum, which is prone to deformation. After removing it, the plastic surgeons recommend continuing to sleep on an elevated cushion so as not to deform the cartilage and reduce swelling. You may lay on the side and belly in 2-3 weeks after the procedure.

At what stage of recovery can I sneeze?

The cartilage on the tip of the nose is fixed with surgical threads, so you can not compress your nostrils during the first 4 weeks, and you should sneeze by opening your mouth. In case of a cold, the nasal congestion should be washed with saline solution.

How fast can I touch my nose and wash myself after plasty?

It is strictly forbidden to wet the gypsum and touch the nose during the first days after the operation. On the second day you can gently rinse the open part of the face without touching the bruises. After removing the gypsum, it is allowed to wash yourself with warm water with light massaging movements.

Can I smoke?

Nicotine narrows the blood vessels, thus worsening blood circulation, and inhibits the healing process. Smoking in the postoperative period can lead to the necrosis of tissues. To speed up the healing process, do not smoke a month before the surgery and 2 months after it.

When will it be safe to have sex?

In order not to increase puffiness on the face, you should postpone sex for 3 weeks after the plasty is completed.

Can I do boxing? When?

You can not. New facial injuries are unavoidable in boxing, and they are very dangerous for the nose after rhinoplasty - a long healing period and a strong inflammatory processes will be present.

What can I do after plasty of the nose while exercising caution?

  1. You may take a shower. With good health, rinsing with warm water is already allowed on the second day. A hot and contrast shower is prohibited for the first 3-4 weeks for the entire body, and not just for the face, in order to have a rapid removal of swelling and bruises.
  2. Injection of fillers. In case of insufficient softness of tissues, the radiess that is recommended in the EU can be injected according to the doctor's prescription.
  3. Laughing. It is allowed to laugh, but it should be done neatly, especially in the first week, so that the final seam would remain invisible.

You may choose any type of plasty in our clinic, for example, removal of the crook in the nose, correction of the wings of the nose and perform a course of beauty shots.

Each patient receives a detailed consultation about all the aspects of the postoperative period. If you follow the basic rules, your face will have a new look and will remain that way for the rest of your life.

Material prepared by
specialists of the Clinic for Plastic Surgery
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