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Restoring the hand after removing the hygroma

Restoring the hand after removing the hygroma Surgical intervention is the only way to remove a dangerous cyst. And if the patient is properly prepared for the operation and will fulfill all the recommendations of the surgeon during the recovery period, then the procedure will not implement any complications. More details about the specifics of the hygromas removal and the features of this mass can be found here.

Methods of hygromas treatment

Depending on the stage of neoplasm development, doctors use two methods of treating hygroma:

  1. Surgery used to remove hygroma. During the operation, the patient may remain under local or general anesthesia. The choice of a doctor depends on the complexity of the situation, the age of the person, the state of his/her health and the diameter of the growth of the bulla on the hand. The purpose of manipulation is to remove all the formations and attach healthy tissues to the skin without causing complications. The professionalism of the surgeon and the observance of the rules of the rehabilitation period guarantee a quick restoration of the mobility of the joint and exclusion of the probability of a cyst recurrence.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures. If the bulla appeared on the hand just recently and did not grow and suppress the work of muscles, tendons and nerves yet, you can try to eliminate the mass by:
    • applications with warm paraffin;
    • ray treatment of the mass by ultraviolet rays;
    • electrophoresis with iodine;
    • baths for hands with therapeutic mud;
    • magnetotherapy;
    • ultrasound treatment of cyst with application of hydrocortisone;
    • shock-wave therapy of neoplasm;
    • UHF treatment.

Restoring the hand after removing the hygroma Many people try to solve the problem using folk remedies, but their effectiveness is not proved by scientific medicine and is not confirmed by practice.

Possible complications that may occur after the procedure

It is possible to distinguish 3 variants of complications during the recovery period of the patient after removal of the skin neoplasms

  • recrudescence (repeated formation of hygromas on the hand);
  • proliferation of scar tissue;
  • infection of the hand at the place of the neoplasm occurrence.

A correct preparation for an operation used to remove a cyst can completely eliminate the possibility of any complications in the patient. So, it is very important to follow all the instructions of the surgeon during the rehabilitation of the joint, tendons, nerves and muscles of the arm.

If the neoplasm appeared in the patient once more, it can mean that:

  • the content of the bulla was not removed completely;
  • the surface of a healthy tissue is attached to the skin of the hand not well enough;
  • the patient neglected to wear the bandage or it was not tight enough (it is very important that the bandage fix the tissues that have not get fused together tightly yet);
  • the joint of the arm was loaded during the rehabilitation period after the operation of the cyst removal.

Stages of rehabilitation

Restoring the hand after removing the hygroma The recovery period after removal of the hygroma is short enough, but it requires some effort and patience from the patient. The proximity of abartrosis to the neoplasm located on the wrist creates the likelihood of loss of joint mobility. The excessive scarring of tissues can lead to this. In order to avoid such complications, the doctors impose a bandage and a splint onto the patient's arm. It fixes the joint of the hand well and does not interfere with the processing of the suture and changing of the bandage during the restoration of muscles, tendons, nerves and skin.

The term of patient's use of the splint on the joint of the hand and the application of the bandage varies within the limits of 3-4 weeks after the operation. Its duration is directly related to the location of the neoplasm and the level of complexity of a particular case. During the rehabilitation period, it is worth to reduce the load of wrist suffered from the hygroma to a minimum, change the bandages and treat the suture in proper time. When the patient is dismissed, the surgeon will recommend a set of exercises to restore joint mobility.

Material prepared by
specialists of the Clinic for Plastic Surgery
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