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Phimosis in adults: when and why is circumcision necessary?

Phimosis in adults: when and why is circumcision necessary? Surgery to circumcise the foreskin has long been surrounded by many speculation and controversy. Despite popular belief, this procedure has not only religious or social prerequisites, but also medical ones. Circumcision is indicated for adult men with the development of phimosis. Let us see what this pathology is and how doctors perform circumcision to eliminate the problem.

Signs and danger of phimosis

Phimosis is a pathological condition in which the foreskin is so narrowed that it makes it difficult to expose the head of the penis. There are four stages of the development of pathology with varying degrees of severity of symptoms:

  1. The first stage of the head is freely exposed in a relaxed state, but with erection difficulties arise.
  2. The second in a state of relaxation, the head of the sexual organ is exposed with painful sensations, and in the excited state it is almost impossible.
  3. The third and in a calm and excited state of the head member is not exposed. Appear slight painful sensations when urinating.
  4. The fourth outcrop is impossible. Urinary problems develop due to squeezing of the urethra, the outflow of urine is disturbed.

Phimosis in adults: when and why is circumcision necessary? Adult men are advised to circumcise the foreskin already at the initial stage of the occurrence of phimosis. If the procedure of circumcision is not performed in a timely manner, the pathology of the penis will intensify, which is fraught with serious consequences. Thus, with the development of phimosis, smegma stagnation under the fold of the foreskin can be observed. It serves as a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria and provokes inflammation.

Phimosis can also lead to other pathologies of paraphimosis. In this disease, not only the foreskin narrows, but also the penis is pinched. In case of paraphimosis, there is a disturbance in the blood supply to the head, which causes an even more serious necrosis problem.

In particularly difficult cases, phimosis can cause skin cancer of the head of the penis. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor in time and perform a circumcision operation in order to eliminate all potential health problems.

Causes of phimosis

The development of pathology of the penis in adulthood can contribute to such factors:

  1. Inflammation in the foreskin. As a result of inflammations, adhesions form between the head and the extreme foreskin, so they practically grow together.
  2. The formation of rough scar tissue due to trauma to the penis. Scars prevent stretching the foreskin.
  3. Predisposition to reduce the elasticity of connective tissue.

Whatever the causes of phimosis, the most effective way to solve the problem for adult men is circumcision. During the circumcision, the doctor removes the upper portion of the foreskin, thanks to which the head of the penis opens.

Circumcision procedure

Phimosis in adults: when and why is circumcision necessary? Circumcision is a safe, fast and efficient operation that does not imply complex manipulations. She is preceded by a consultation with a doctor and a laboratory examination. If the man has no contraindications to circumcision, the surgeon prescribes the procedure.

Surgery to circumcise the foreskin is performed on an outpatient basis a few hours after the circumcision, the patient returns home. The procedure itself takes no more than 60 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. Circumcision is performed in three steps:

  • markup foreskin;
  • removal of excess tissue;
  • stitching.

All seams dissolve independently. If they cause discomfort, the doctor removes them a week after the circumcision. The recovery period after surgery for circumcision can vary from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the age of the patient and the individual characteristics of his body.

In the first 7 days after surgery to circumcise the foreskin, adult men may experience the following symptoms:

  • hypersensitivity of the head of the penis;
  • swelling of the penis
  • light painful sensations.

These symptoms are normal. With proper care of the penis, they are not fraught with complications. The main thing is to follow the doctor's instructions throughout the rehabilitation period after circumcision.

Material prepared by
specialists of the Clinic for Plastic Surgery
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