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Frontoplasty or endoscopic forehead lift? What is the difference?

Frontoplasty or endoscopic forehead lift? What is the difference? Age-related changes affect not only the internal systems of the body, but also worsen a person's appearance. With age, the facial skin loses its natural turgor, it begins to sag, losing its natural elasticity. The result is drooping of the eyebrows, especially their outer part, the appearance of deep wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, sagging eyelids. But modern plastic surgery does not stand still, offering women effective methods to combat aging. The forehead plastic surgery (frontoplasty) is becoming popular, which you can do in our center for plastic and cosmetological surgery.

Features of the procedure

Frontoplasty is a rather difficult correction in terms of performing, in which the entire frontal bone is affected. Thanks to the technique, the patient receives a lasting effect of rejuvenation, including correction of asymmetry, removal of post-traumatic or congenital defects. Due to the anatomical features of the frontal zone, which have the air sinuses, the operation is carried out without the risk of injury to the upper bones of the skull.

Frontoplasty allows you to achieve a number of the following effects:

  • correct the asymmetry of the frontal tissue;
  • remove wrinkles;
  • eliminate deformation of the forehead area;
  • reduce or increase the size of the superior frontal arch.

This operation will help to regain self-confidence, increase self-esteem and significantly improve appearance. But given the complexity and seriousness of such a correction, carried out with large incisions, in the presence of only aesthetic disorders (shallow wrinkles, overhanging eyebrows), it is better to use less traumatic endoscopic forehead plasty.

The essence of endoscopic lift

This operation is performed using an endoscope and requires small (up to 2 cm) incisions. Endoscopic lifting shortens the procedure time and simplifies the rehabilitation period. Thanks to perfect visualization through the endoscope, even the slightest damage to the blood vessels is excluded, which minimizes the possibility of complications.

The low-traumatic procedure has many advantages:

  • minimal operation time (it takes about 1-1.2 hours);
  • fast recovery period;
  • lack of stitches and visible scars on skin tissues;
  • minimal invasiveness;
  • high efficiency and rejuvenation effect.

Endoscopy is suitable for all patients who want to improve their appearance, except for those with excessively deep, thick wrinkles and an overly high forehead. This is ideal for balding men who will not be able to hide the postoperative scars under their hair.

The main differences between the procedures

Frontoplasty or endoscopic forehead lift? What is the difference? Frontoplasty is a long and complicated procedure. But this method gives much more visible effects and helps to cope even with very difficult cases, including congenital, gross defects of the forehead arch. Thanks to it, patients receive a symmetrical, toned and elastic face, without wrinkles, overhanging eyelids and a general frontal skin tightening of the entire face.

But such efficiency is associated with a long rehabilitation period, which can reach 4-5 months and a number of possible complications:

  • large hematomas;
  • severe swelling;
  • feeling of heaviness of the eyelids;
  • bleeding and the risk of blood clot formation;
  • numbness, loss of sensitivity in the operated areas.

Frontoplasty is performed under general anesthesia, which is accompanied by discomfort, pain and difficulties in the recovery process. But the end result is impressive. Endoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure and does not involve surgical intervention with the removal of parts of skin flaps. This technique is carried out under local anesthesia, and the rehabilitation period is fast and without significant restrictions.

When choosing between frontoplasty and endoscopic lifting, you should take into account the nuances of your own body, as well as the desired end result. Removing gross defects will not do without surgical intervention, while endoscopy is the best option to eliminate aesthetic problems. In any case, it will be up to the attending physician to decide which option of intervention to use.

Material prepared by
specialists of the Clinic for Plastic Surgery
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