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How to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead?

How to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead? With age, the smooth and elastic skin of the face gradually undergoes wilting processes and the first wrinkles inevitably appear on the smooth forehead. Ugly grooves not only spoil the appearance, but also worsen the emotional state of the woman, oppressing the sense of approaching old age. But the presence of wrinkles on the forehead is not a sentence. Modern aesthetic medicine allows you to deal with the unpleasant phenomenon of both surgical and non-invasive techniques.

Why do wrinkles appear on the forehead?

The loss of elasticity of the skin of the forehead and, as a result, the formation of hateful folds on it can occur not only under the influence of age-related changes, but also due to a number of other factors, including:

  1. Dehydration, leading to a decrease in tissue turgor.
  2. Sharp weight loss, accompanied by the formation of skin excess.
  3. The weakening of the tone of the facial muscles.
  4. Disturbance of metabolic processes in the skin with an uneven distribution of subcutaneous fat.
  5. Excessive activity of facial muscles, leading to the formation of vertical inter-brow and horizontal superciliary skin folds.

How to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead? The age of the first wrinkles is also influenced by hereditary factors. And age-related changes include the entire list of causes leading to the loss of skin elasticity.

In addition, the deterioration of the epithelium often contributes to being in the wind and under the bright sun. Vision problems (farsightedness or nearsightedness) along with the rejection of glasses also lead to the formation of wrinkles on the forehead.

Stretching the skin due to the influence of various factors also leads to the omission of the eyebrows, their overhanging of the eyelids, ptosis of the eyelids, giving the impression of a frown.

Wrinkle Smoothing Agents

Non-surgical rejuvenation procedures will help to get rid of the first folds on the forehead, including:

  • injections of drugs based on Botox (butin toxin A);
  • the introduction of fillers;
  • biorevitalization (use of IAL-systems).

Botulinum toxin injections (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) is one of the oldest non-surgical methods of facial skin rejuvenation. The method is based on selective temporary paralysis of facial muscles, allowing to achieve a pronounced lifting effect. The tool is injected intracutaneously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, depending on the size or location of the target muscles.

The introduction of Botox or its analogs requires a high-precision cosmetologist in dose selection and needle insertion, therefore the procedure takes about half an hour. Due to vascular damage in the first days after rejuvenation, small hematomas and bruises can be observed.

The effect of the introduction of botulinum toxin reaches a maximum after two weeks and lasts about six months.

Contouring is one of the most popular and effective methods of smoothing frontal wrinkles. The technique involves the use of filler injections of special gels based on hyaluronic acid, which fill skin folds, which contribute to moisturizing and enhancing one’s own regenerative processes in tissues. The result of the procedure lasts for about a year, during which the filler is completely dissolved by the body. More obvious signs of aging heavy skin will help eliminate Radies Filler based on calcium hydroxylapatite.

Biorevitalization also involves the introduction of small hyaluron preparations to inhibit aging and enhance the production of its own hyaluronic acid. This technique allows you to restore the water balance in the skin, helps to strengthen the intercellular matrix, enhance blood circulation, enhance collagen and elastin production.

Surgical methods for removing wrinkles on the forehead

How to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead? In more advanced cases where injection techniques cannot cope with the signs of aging, surgery may help, including:

  • tightening the skin of the forehead and eyebrows;
  • excision of the frontal muscles.

Endoscopic tightening of the skin of the forehead is a surgical procedure aimed at smoothing the skin by moving the soft tissues and cutting out their surplus.

The operation carried out with the help of an endoscope is less traumatic, as it allows to carry out a tightening through several small incisions, in contrast to the classical method, which requires extensive access. The lift is effective in lowering the eyebrows, hanging them over the eyes, expressed wrinkles. Also, the operation is used to correct the shape of the eyelids when they are ptosis.

An excision of the muscle in this area is used to remove deep inter brow cords, which also makes it possible to lift the inner corners of the eyebrows. The operation can also be performed with an endoscope through incisions in the upper eyelids.

Doctors of the Clinic of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery in Poltava will help you find the best method for returning youth to your face and soul!

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