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What is better for plasmolifting or mesotherapy?

What is better - plasmolifting or mesotherapy? 1 Mesotherapy and Plasmolifting are popular techniques in the field of cosmetology. Both techniques allow to correct the signs of aging, improve skin tone, restore balance and enhance the natural rejuvenation processes. But plasmolifting and mesotherapy have significant differences, the knowledge of which will allow you to choose the suitable technique.

About the procedures

Both techniques involve injection of active substances into the dermal layer of face skin and at the decollete area. Own blood plasma of the patient is used to conduct plasmolifting. The necessary amount of blood is obtained from the vein for this purpose and then this blood is centrifuged to separate red blood cells. The resulting plasma is rich with vitamins and amino acids, which are necessary to eliminate the signs of aging.

As for mesotherapy, vitamin cocktail with enriched composition plays the role of plasma. Solutions may include hyaluronic acid, vitamin B and C, acids, collagen and elastin.

Indications and contraindications

Plasmolifting may be performed not only on the face, it may be applied in decollete area, and it is popular for the treatment of scalp.

Indications for plasma injection:

  • Elimination of hair loss, normalization of the sebaceous glands of the head, elimination of dandruff and fungus;
  • Treatment of acne;
  • Minimizing wrinkles on the face and neck area;
  • Elimination of stretch marks and scars;
  • Restoring skin water balance.

What is better - plasmolifting or mesotherapy? 2 Mesotherapy is not intended to effectively eliminate baldness and struggle with severe problems of the scalp, but it gives more opportunities to work with the body.

Indications for mesotherapy:

  • Elimination of cellulite, stretch marks;
  • Minimization of the wrinkles;
  • Removal of pigmentation;
  • Restoring skin water balance, normalization of its color;
  • Improving natural skin turgor.

Both technologies have a common list of contraindications. Contraindications include herpetic inflammation, recently performed peeling, hemophilia, pregnancy and lactation.

The principles of the procedures

Plasmolifting requires a bigger preparation period. Before the procedure, the patient undergoes a common and biochemical analysis of blood, analysis for infection (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis). If the analysis gives good results, the procedure may be performed. For this up to 100 ml of blood is taken from the vein, which is administered by injection into the problematic areas after purification.

The mesotherapy does not require such extensive preparation since a special vitamin cocktail is used for injection.


As for the cost, plasmolifting exceed mesotherapy by two times. It should be considered that you might need a course that increases the final cost in order to achieve a good result in both cases.

Side effects

Any technique has a list of side effects that includes the formation of small hematomas at the puncture site. In the case of plasmolifting a possibility of an allergy is excluded, since the body's own cells are introduced into the dermal layer of skin. When mesotherapy is used, cocktails of ingredients of synthetic and vegetative origin are being used, so there is a chance of the allergy. Before the procedure, the physician should consider these points to avoid allergic reactions.

In order to choose the best rejuvenation technology, be sure to visit a doctor who will help you make the right decision after examination. We also offer a wide list of other non-surgical techniques: hyaluronic acid injections, contour plasty.

Material prepared by
specialists of the Clinic for Plastic Surgery
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